Truth Hair!

When I became apart of Secondlife I had no idea where to start when it came to working on my avatar. I had some help from a few people to be honest, and within that help I was introduced to one of my favorite hair stores. Truth! 

Since day 1: of becoming a member of SL I've bought so many truth hair's I could possibly own a Truth Museum. Haha! 

Today's post is to share the amazing new hair Truth just released in their Mainstore. 

It's known as Beatrix it rather reminds me of those Suicide Girls from the older day style. The girls and the waves. Such a perfect fit! 
I do believe I will be a fan of Truth until well they come out with no hair, however I don't see that happening lol. Love this hair just as much as me? There is a style hud for many different ways to wear this hair, you can also do a more natural straight style with this one. So don't be afraid to go to the Truth store and Demo. I definitely suggest this hair and the creator! 

Hair = Truth: Beatrix @Truth
Ears = Mandala Gold Pack @Mandala
Christmas Tree = Half Deer (comes in other colors) @+Half+Deer+
Piercings = Suicide Doll (Different style's added) @-SU-
Skin = .:Yesenia:. February @[Pumec]
Body = Freya @Belleza
Head = Catya @Catwa

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